Well like Ray Franz brings out at the end of his book 'Crisis of Consiounce' the early Christians had no official church or kingdom hall for that matter where they meet, they were free to exchange ideas, not tied down to the views of a Govening elite, a buch of stuffy old men stuffing their narrow views down everyones throat. How refreshing it is to have the internet to exchange ideas. A world of ideas instead of a black box organization that kills all enthusiasim for open debate and exchange.
read good books
JoinedPosts by read good books
I am new here
by I_am_an_idiot inhello everyone, i am new in the forum.
let me introduce myself: i_am_an_idiot.
why use that handle?
Is the UN a government?
by AuldSoul inthe contention of the wts that the un is a government is complete hogwash.
i don't know why it took so long for me to realize this most basic flaw in their defense strategy.. governing requires continuous sovereign authority over, to control the making and administration of policy within, to exercise a determining influence over, to have decisive influence.. the un is an association of nations.
like nato (which is also not a government).
read good books
Technically it may not be a govenment but it sometimes acts like a govenment intervening in countries internal affairs, creating policies like a govenment. It is a much feared tool in the hands of global eliltistss who could use it to govern the world according to their interests. which is one reason it is feared by nationalists.
How Come So Many Bethelites Leave The Organization
by ilovemusik inhello i'm new here but i've been reading the things on this db for quite some time.
i am still an active witness, but i've been having doubts for quite sometime and have been looking into the background of the organization, very shocked at what i'm finding.
since i lived next to headquarters and had a lot of bethelites in my congregation, i was shock to learn (not only on this db) that so many bethelites who leave bethel also end up leaving the organization.
read good books
I left Bethel in the late seventies and was out of the 'truth' () by1980. I think it was the reaction of the GB after the end didn't come in 75, kind of a hoo hum like they weren't suprised, and then watching as Nathan Knorr dieing was so very upset and depressed hardly the reaction I would have expected from a man on his way to Jehovah's Kingdom. Also the cold political coup that took place while Knorr was on assingment away from Bethel, it was pulled of just like a political coup in some bananna republic, Knorr was out the GB was in and Knorr could not accept this kick in the butt. That along with the really odd streching of Bible Phrophecy to make everthing apply to the society, things like the greater Noah being Jehovah and then their was 'the great spiritual bird catcher' my Bethel Tuesday night book study partner and I gagged on that one. And the arrogance of many of the GB who clearly acted like they were superior to the rank and file. It was all toomuch and many other things that happened at Bethel that didn't make sense like the sometimes spoken prohibition that you should stay away from the old publications section of the Bethel library. The suicide there,the Bethel thieves, etc, etc.
by SWALKER inhttp://www.internetweekly.org/iwr/cartoons/cartoon_gop_playing_cards.html.
there's more at the above site!!!!!
read good books
Yeah but I think there is going to be a new deck in 2008. One with Hillary Clinton as Queen.
Why is the watchtower anonymously written
by headmath init seems that after rutherford's death that every wts publication was anonymous.
that was done to create a subconscious belief in the reader of divine authorship.
the watchtower is written by the fds and they are god's only channel of communication.
read good books
When people write articles in the newspaper you can write them and complain about their opinions or facts. It may or may not do any good but at least their is some accountability, something the borg will never accept.
Unusual preaching method I spotted today..
by ackack inwhile waiting for a streetcar today, i noticed an unusal flier stuck to the side of a newspaper box.
why has love of neighbour grown cold?many people feel miserable with no solution.
in israel, jews and arabs live together, but often hate one another.
read good books
It use to kill me when the JW's would respectfully quote College Professors or researchers who had written something that supported their beliefs but then tell the rank and file not to go to college, here they get some media characters to praise them, and you know how much integrity the media has, probably a kick back for having an assembly in their community and giving them some business, and the JW''suddenly find the worldly experts, who are expounding the 'wisdom of the world', quite appealing.
The News is so depressing today
by MsMcDucket inwhen i first turned on the computer, it showed pictures of terri irwin and her grieving, the tv commentators talking about terrell owens (possibly) trying to commit suicide, rev run his wife (run's house mtv reality series) baby being still-born --the babies internal organs were external.
life is hard..
read good books
Maybe they want to turn people off by giving them all this depressing news, what about televising the people who try and change these terrible things.
1914 ,the Generation that got tossed in the Garbage Can
by OUTLAW inas many of you know i`ve just got back to the board in the last little while..what did i learn yesterday?..the generation of 1914 means nothing..nothing!
!..back in the day,you could have been disfellowshipped for such a remark..disfellowshipped!
!..what did you think and how did you feel when you found out the generation of 1914,now means nothing?.....outlaw
read good books
Fool me once shame on you fool me repeatedly since 1870 then shame on me. The predictions of the end of the world always bring in a new crowd of suckers (I was born into it, a born sucker) and a new and more importantly to them a big stash of cash from people wanting to be living in the last days.
The same trick works over and over, how sad, how rotton of the Watchtower Society to keep playing it on new generations.
Why do our families stay in it ???
Overheard in NY
by rebel8 inhttp://www.overheardinnewyork.com/index-2.html :.
in a comparative religion class in ten years, this kid will raise his hand and humiliate himself son: daddy, what's that?.
father: that's the watchtower.. son: what do they do there?.
read good books
I am afraid my last few minutes on this earth will be answering the door after calling 911 for a heart attack only to have a JW standing there trying to convince me the end of this system is right around the corner
Report of bin Laden's death...
by Funchback ini don't know if it's true or not.. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14963302/.
french paper says bin laden died in pakistansaudi arabia is convinced al-qaida leader died of typhoid, paper saysupdated: 48 minutes agoparis - a french regional newspaper quoted a french secret service report on saturday as saying that saudi arabia is convinced that al-qaida leader osama bin laden died of typhoid in pakistan last month.. l'est republicain printed what it said was a copy of the report dated sept. 21 and said it was shown to president jacques chirac, prime minister dominique de villepin and france's interior and defense ministers on the same day.
according to a usually reliable source, the saudi services are now convinced that osama bin laden is dead, the document said.. the information gathered by the saudis indicates that the head of al-qaida was a victim while he was in pakistan on aug. 23, 2006, of a very serious case of typhoid which led to a partial paralysis of his internal organs.. the report, which was stamped with a confidential defense label and the initials of the french secret service, said saudi arabia first heard the information on sept. 4 and that it was waiting for more details before making an official announcement.. officials contacted by reuters in chirac's and villepin's offices had no immediate comment.. a senior official in pakistan's interior ministry said: "we have no information about osama's death.".
read good books
He'll probably die of old age before we ever catch him. Given the fact that his family has power friends in the U.S. I wonder how hard we are really looking.